91.   China lashed out Thursday at western claims that a recent wave of nationalist sentiment sweeping the country amounts to a xenophobic campaign bordering on racism.

92.   Critics have accused Vajpayee and his party of war-mongering and fanning nationalist sentiment with an eye on the Uttar Pradesh election.

93.   The protests have been a source of embarrassment for Beijing and Tokyo, who each stand by their claim but are leery about stoking nationalist sentiment.

94.   The protests have been a source of embarrassment for Beijing and Tokyo who stand by their claims but are wary of stoking nationalist sentiment.

95.   The protests have been a source of embarrassment for Beijing and Tokyo who stand by their claims to the land but are wary of stoking nationalist sentiment.

96.   The Russian authorities cannot afford to ignore nationalist sentiment being stoked up by opposition parties with only four months to go before legislative elections.

97.   Meanwhile the Indonesian government expelled the fifth foreign journalist this week from the troubled province, where authorities say foreign reporters have been stirring up nationalist sentiment.

98.   Political analysts said that if Kengo had gone to the Kenyan capital, he would have sparked a violent reaction among a Zairean population fired up by nationalist sentiment.

99.   The editorial added that creating the image of such a threat could even encourage Chinese nationalist sentiment.

100.   The girl survives the raid and is sheltered by a neighbor, the judge, who decides not to hand her over to authorities despite his nationalist sentiments.

a. + sentiment >>共 759
public 6.92%
similar 5.49%
anti-american 5.06%
nationalist 2.68%
strong 2.60%
same 2.33%
negative 2.17%
bearish 2.12%
overall 2.09%
growing 2.04%
nationalist + n. >>共 456
party 12.86%
leader 8.12%
group 6.40%
island 4.77%
government 4.19%
sentiment 3.28%
movement 2.53%
opposition 2.34%
politician 2.27%
rhetoric 2.01%
每页显示:    共 100