91.   Negotiations in Seoul and Taejon, in central South Korea, continued through the night but failed to narrow differences.

92.   Powell said Zinni narrowed differences between the two sides and presented a proposal to close the gap further.

93.   Rose has been shuttling between Sarajevo and Pale all week, trying to narrow differences between the two sides.

94.   Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev said after meeting a U.S. delegation in Sochi that the two powers had narrowed their differences over the war.

95.   Russian negotiator Arkady Volsky said his team had spent most of the night reviewing documents, trying to narrow differences between the Russian and Chechen positions.

96.   Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrez said after meeting a U.S. delegation Sunday in the resort of Sochi that the two powers had narrowed their differences over the war.

97.   Stoltenberg and Galbraith shuttled between Erdut and Zagreb last week in an attempt to narrow the differences between the warring sides.

98.   Stoltenberg and Galbraith began traveling between Erdut and Zagreb last week in an attempt to narrow the differences in negotiations with the two warring sides.

99.   Stoltenberg and Galbraith already shuttled between Erdut and Zagreb last week in an attempt to narrow the differences in separate negotiations with the two warring sides.

100.   Stoltenberg and Galbraith began shuttling between Erdut and Zagreb last week in an attempt to narrow the differences in separate negotiations with the two warring sides.

v. + difference >>共 574
make 29.32%
resolve 7.08%
settle 3.38%
have 3.31%
see 2.52%
notice 2.44%
know 2.43%
tell 1.92%
find 1.66%
narrow 1.62%
narrow + n. >>共 228
gap 18.02%
difference 10.98%
choice 5.84%
search 5.77%
list 5.56%
field 5.35%
focus 3.80%
eye 3.66%
scope 3.17%
spread 2.67%
每页显示:    共 155