91.   The ministry said the bad loans of Sanyo Credit and Kenmin Daiwa will be transferred to a new bank specializing in thrift bailouts.

92.   The ministry said the funds would be channeled through the state-owned Korea Development Bank.

93.   The ministry said the rise from the summer months may have been exaggerated by a vacation-induced slumped in August and September.

94.   The ministry said trust banks, mutual funds, industrial and non-financial service companies could also invest in subordinated debt.

95.   The ministry said, however, that the December totals are likely to be revised down when more complete statistics are available.

96.   The ministry said, though, that preliminary statistics on the building industry are skewed by the switch to European Union reporting standards.

97.   The interior ministry said gunmen in a village cemetery opened fire on police officers who sought to arrest them, killing Lt. Col. Hosni Hussein and wounding four others.

98.   The ministry also said it will scrap other restrictions in December to allow the bulk leasing of phone lines owned by Japanese international phone service companies to new competitors.

99.   The ministry also said it would inject money into beleaguered securities firms.

100.   The ministry has said chaebol should be banned from owning or managing banks because this would give them control over their financing.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
ministry 0.73%
ministry + v. >>共 628
say 40.69%
be 3.96%
announce 2.35%
have 2.17%
deny 1.47%
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