91.   A series of international envoys found Berisha only willing to temporarily suspend military offensives against the insurgents, who insist they will not rest until Berisha is ousted.

92.   A senior police official said the government was planning to resume the military offensive against the ethnic Albanian insurgents after notching successes over the past few days.

93.   A senior U.S. official accused Croats on Saturday of seriously abusing minority Serbs during and after a summer military offensive to recapture territory.

94.   A senior U.S. official said Saturday that Croats had committed serious human rights abuses against minority Serbs during and after a military offensive to recapture territory.

95.   A top U.N. envoy appealed Tuesday for Iran to reopen its border with Afghanistan and take steps to accept refugees if the U.S. launches a military offensive.

96.   After the talks, Primakov sent a telegram to Syrian leaders assuring them that Israel has no intention of launching a military offensive, the radio said.

97.   Also Monday, President Boris Yeltsin, who had been hospitalized for nose surgery throughout the eight-day military offensive, went home.

98.   Although the rebels are ensuring their safety, the captives could get killed in a crossfire during military offensives on rebel lairs, Rosal said.

99.   Also Monday, the deputy leader of Hezbollah said in southeastern Lebanon that Sharon would pay a price for any new military offensive in the region.

100.   An Abu Sayyaf leader said they beheaded him in June as a warning to the government to halt its military offensive against the group.

a. + offensive >>共 353
military 13.77%
major 10.12%
new 6.41%
croatian 4.80%
israeli 4.62%
serb 3.86%
russian 3.86%
latest 3.40%
diplomatic 2.61%
recent 1.76%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
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base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
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