91.   Weeks later another message came.

92.   When a message comes in, the watch beeps or turns on a night light to illuminate the display.

93.   Yet from that broken body the messages come clear and sharp.

94.   You can program the base station to call your pager whenever a message comes in.

95.   Other messages came from King Hussein of Jordan, President Fidel Ramos of the Philippines, South African President Nelson Mandela and U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

96.   A message immediately comes back asking the user to register a nickname.

97.   A similar message came from the Israeli and Arab government officials who presented the conference with projects ranging from tourist developments along the Mediterranean to linking power grids.

98.   A separate set of keys is used for authentication, which ensures a message actually comes from the sender and not an impostor.

99.   A video message came from Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar.

100.   All over town on the day Clinton visited tobacco country that ambiguous message came through.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
announcement 1.40%
people 1.19%
move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
message 0.15%
message + v. >>共 436
be 41.06%
come 4.04%
leave 3.51%
appear 2.43%
get_through 2.31%
seem 2.28%
have 2.14%
say 1.73%
reach 1.17%
go 1.14%
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