91.   Germany, Spain and France displayed the most important decreases, while economic sentiment picked up in seven member countries including Britain, Denmark and Austria.

92.   He did not identify which Asean member countries made the request, or whether the request referred to loans to the corporations or governments of Asean.

93.   He said that the fund should compel member countries to disclose many kinds of financial data they now provide on the condition that it remain secret.

94.   He said Switzerland would retain its sovereignty and neutrality in the manner of other neutral U.N. member countries like Finland.

95.   He proposed creating a kind of bond that would assign debts of member countries in arrears to other member countries that were owed money.

96.   He said UNSCOM is permitted by Security Council resolutions to accept assistance from all member countries.

97.   His new job has a broad agenda but no guaranteed budget, and is instead dependent on contributions from member countries.

98.   His three-year-old organization issues an annual survey which ranks member countries by degree of corruption.

99.   However, since Switzerland is not a member country of the United Nations, the tribunal had to request Swiss assistance separately.

100.   IMF member countries review their quotas every five years.

n. + country >>共 670
member 18.39%
donor 9.27%
host 8.35%
bloc 5.04%
year 2.45%
candidate 2.28%
east 1.95%
week 1.35%
island 1.29%
consumer 1.18%
member + n. >>共 414
state 38.90%
country 21.08%
nation 11.38%
government 2.50%
company 1.95%
economy 1.52%
bank 1.28%
school 0.78%
organization 0.48%
institution 0.45%
每页显示:    共 882