91.   Ikeda meanwhile stressed the need for a maximum number of participants in the ITA.

92.   A few black flags were strung in the nearby residential districts where the maximum number of victims died.

93.   Besides Kerala, three other southern states have reported the maximum number of casualties.

94.   This time around, even the proponents of term limits could not agree on the maximum number of terms to which members should be limited.

95.   Wadekar defends the decision, saying it is only logical that the best batsman in the team should get to play the maximum number of overs.

96.   Perry looked to Israel to support the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, saying the United States hoped for a maximum number of signatories when the accord is renewed in April.

a. + number >>共 430
large 15.21%
growing 8.43%
small 5.19%
increasing 4.65%
record 2.28%
limited 2.08%
total 1.89%
exact 1.89%
unknown 1.88%
unspecified 1.77%
maximum 0.31%
maximum + n. >>共 587
sentence 15.35%
penalty 13.76%
security 5.53%
life 2.62%
amount 2.48%
punishment 2.36%
number 2.22%
point 2.20%
alert 1.83%
prison 1.67%
每页显示:    共 95