91.   Egypt considers Qatar its main competitor in the Middle East for natural gas exports.

92.   The new package poises Sprint to challenge its two main competitors -- AT and T and MCI -- for a share of the Internet-using public.

93.   With its main German competitor E.ON close to concluding the takeover of British utility Powergen, the pressure is on RWE to match the expansion.

94.   Washington has accused Tokyo of favouring sales in Japan by Fuji to the detriment of its main global competitor, Kodak.

95.   Its main competitors are Taiwan and South Korea.

96.   Its main competitors fell into the red.

97.   Its main competitors will include both the Ariane space rocket and McDonnell Douglas Delta rockets, currently used for both commercial and military US launches.

98.   The Independent initially criticised its two main competitors, claiming the price war was a cynical move aimed at forcing it out of business.

99.   The main competitor will be the high-density video disc that many Japanese groups are about to launch.

a. + competitor >>共 720
new 6.07%
foreign 4.83%
major 3.31%
potential 2.79%
main 2.56%
fierce 2.38%
smaller 2.07%
direct 1.86%
formidable 1.63%
tough 1.47%
main + n. >>共 880
road 4.14%
opposition 4.14%
reason 3.35%
street 2.08%
party 1.63%
problem 1.45%
source 1.33%
concern 1.31%
issue 1.13%
highway 1.13%
competitor 0.29%
每页显示:    共 98