91.   A weak yen makes exporters more competitive by allowing them to lower prices of their goods abroad.

92.   A weaker ringgit allows Malaysian exporters to lower their prices.

93.   A weaker yen makes it possible for Sony to lower prices or improve profit margins on exports.

94.   A weaker yen makes Japanese exporters more competitive by allowing them to lower prices of their products abroad.

95.   A weaker yen would make it easier for Japanese exporters to lower the price of their goods.

96.   A weaker yen helps Japanese exporters by allowing them to lower prices of goods they sell overseas, and increases the value of revenue when repatriated.

97.   A weaker yen allows Japanese exporters to lower prices of their goods overseas and raises the value of their dollar profits when converted into yen.

98.   A weaker yen helps Japanese exporters because it allows them to lower the prices of their products in overseas markets.

99.   Accelerating inflation also lowers the price investors are willing to pay for stocks, because the returns are worth less over time.

100.   According to Brookings Institution economist William G. Gale, a cut in the capital gains rate would unleash forces that could both raise and lower stock prices.

v. + price >>共 557
raise 9.99%
pay 7.30%
cut 3.75%
push 3.50%
lower 3.31%
boost 3.16%
send 2.02%
increase 1.98%
reduce 1.86%
set 1.83%
lower + n. >>共 708
cost 10.47%
price 10.11%
rate 7.66%
expectation 3.36%
tax 2.80%
risk 2.78%
flag 2.36%
level 2.29%
barrier 2.15%
head 2.05%
每页显示:    共 618