91.   UNITA claimed the train carried troops and ammunition, making it a legitimate target.

92.   UNITA said the train was a legitimate target as it carried troops and ammunition, a claim the government denied.

93.   Westin apologized for telling a group of Columbia University students that he had no opinion on whether the Pentagon was a legitimate target for terrorists.

94.   Yet some say the rhetoric, instead of stemming violence, has exacerbated the breakdown in communications, especially by naming children as legitimate targets.

95.   He also told Justice Jan Hugo that child activists trained in the use of weaponry were legitimate targets of state-sponsored death squads under apartheid.

96.   A US military spokesman expressed regret at any civilian deaths but said the raid hit a legitimate target.

97.   Again the US military insisted the convoy was a legitimate target.

98.   Under the former white minority government, police were widely deployed to enforce apartheid and were regarded by blacks as hated enemies and legitimate targets of attack.

99.   NATO insisted the bridge was a legitimate military target and had not intended to kill civilians.

100.   NATO officials say only strictly military targets have been subject to raids thus far, but signs are emerging that other quasi-military objects are becoming legitimate targets.

a. + target >>共 508
military 5.19%
easy 4.03%
takeover 3.57%
potential 3.40%
prime 3.40%
main 2.58%
civilian 2.38%
israeli 2.28%
frequent 2.27%
possible 2.15%
legitimate 1.02%
legitimate + n. >>共 932
business 4.20%
concern 3.55%
government 3.02%
struggle 2.80%
reason 2.68%
target 2.49%
claim 1.69%
chance 1.67%
contender 1.64%
question 1.50%
每页显示:    共 102