91.   In both his terms as prime minister, Anand was able to govern as a nonpartisan, unelected leader without reference to the legislative branch.

92.   Items on the agenda include electoral reform, decentralization of power and more independence for the justice and legislative branches.

93.   May Correa and Diaz de Jesus -- who is also a PRD deputy -- said the indigenous will not accept any proposal from the legislative branch.

94.   President Jacques Chirac then must decide whether to hold a referendum on changing the constitution or convene a special Congress of both legislative branches to approve the reform.

95.   The conference said gridlock is inevitable under the present system as the executive and legislative branches tend to quarrel.

96.   The morning session was taken up by speeches by members of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower legislative branch.

97.   The power of the military to assert need and acquire the requisite financial support is evident in a great measure in the legislative branches of both these countries.

98.   The report also called for strengthening the judiciary and legislative branches, echoing concern that Arafat has too much power.

99.   Under pressure from the OAS, Fujimori pledged to reform the intelligence service, which has operated with autonomy from the legislative branch.

100.   Yeltsin, whose presidency has been a near-constant power struggle with the legislative branch, made it clear he would rather disband parliament than sacrifice his Cabinet.

a. + branch >>共 792
executive 13.87%
local 5.27%
new 4.14%
legislative 3.10%
judicial 1.76%
different 1.61%
military 1.37%
overseas 1.34%
main 1.31%
party 1.10%
legislative + n. >>共 850
election 11.19%
leader 6.42%
session 6.31%
council 3.70%
agendum 2.81%
process 2.32%
action 2.24%
approval 2.12%
proposal 2.00%
body 1.74%
branch 1.38%
每页显示:    共 103