91.   With the state and federal governments eager to keep the peace, most squatters have been left untouched.

92.   Yet he had hardly been left untouched by the experience.

93.   Other communities, left untouched, have raised money and trucked in food to areas hit by the two quakes.

94.   About the only thing left untouched after sweeping changes to Augusta National Golf Club were the azaleas.

95.   And there will always be those who will say his work is too explicit and taps into themes better left untouched.

96.   Avni said a fourth palace close to the outer walls of the Temple Mount was left untouched.

97.   Avni said a fourth palace located close to the outer walls of the Temple Mount was left untouched.

98.   But, oddly, they left untouched a bed carved in the shape of the bald eagle on U.S. currency.

99.   Cities suffer when these blighted areas are left untouched, said Sen. Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., who spoke Thursday at a news conference announcing the legislation.

100.   Computers and documents were left untouched.

v. + untouched >>共 3
leave 96.75%
score 2.60%
roll 0.65%
leave + a. >>共 1138
alone 8.21%
open 6.03%
unchanged 3.85%
vulnerable 3.36%
homeless 2.39%
unable 2.28%
untouched 2.07%
early 2.03%
vacant 1.82%
unattended 1.68%
每页显示:    共 148