91.   Cuomo and his law partner, former U.S. Attorney Benito Romano, were defending Kennedy and Rivera.

92.   Cuomo and his law partner, former U.S. Attorney Benito Romano, will defend Kennedy and Rivera.

93.   Cunningham is a law partner of longtime Clinton adviser Harold Ickes.

94.   He and current Prime Minster Hubert Ingraham were once law partners and friends.

95.   He said one prosecutor told his law partner his life was over.

96.   He was the senior federal judge and former law partner of U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C.

97.   Hubbel, who President Clinton had made the third-ranking official in the Justice Department, was a former law partner of first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

98.   Kunstler died at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital of cardiac arrest after a short illness, said his law partner, Ron Kuby.

99.   Olson is a former law partner and friend of one-time Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

100.   Starr, a Republican conservative, and his law partner Mike Jones are representing Fauntroy and Madison, who are often identified with liberal causes.

n. + partner >>共 395
coalition 23.47%
business 16.46%
trade 5.08%
merger 4.11%
law 2.77%
dialogue 2.66%
double 2.55%
sex 2.37%
minority 1.80%
peace 1.80%
law + n. >>共 320
enforcement 14.88%
firm 11.80%
official 11.75%
school 8.22%
agency 6.62%
professor 5.37%
officer 4.85%
degree 3.75%
student 2.39%
authority 2.09%
partner 0.80%
每页显示:    共 102