91.   The larger problem for theater on television is that it unwinds too slowly for a non-captive audience.

92.   The larger problem in this situation is the leader.

93.   The larger problem is that the series regards television as some newfangled invention intruding on our lives.

94.   The larger problem is, I am exhausted cleaning up for the butler.

95.   The larger problem, he said, is predicting the radiation dose from an unfolding accident.

96.   The larger problem is how to get around his voice mail.

97.   The larger problem is that employees with effective managers have a real opportunity to learn, grow and build skills to advance their careers.

98.   The larger problem is that the plan assumes a holding company will be established.

99.   The larger problem is that Yeltsin badly misread the political terrain in Moscow and Grozny and overestimated the capability and will of the Russian armed forces.

100.   The larger problem may simply be a surfeit of competition on and off Broadway.

a. + problem >>共 705
serious 4.46%
economic 3.74%
major 3.48%
financial 2.66%
biggest 2.34%
technical 1.95%
only 1.92%
big 1.91%
potential 1.91%
real 1.87%
larger 0.41%
larger + n. >>共 1040
company 3.05%
number 2.64%
role 2.15%
group 1.93%
issue 1.85%
one 1.82%
share 1.76%
problem 1.20%
question 1.12%
amount 1.07%
每页显示:    共 151