91.   A group of starving artists are holding a photo auction on the Internet in hopes of raising money to keep alive an experimental Web site of on-line photojournalism.

92.   A Bengal victory over Tampa Bay would keep hope alive.

93.   A gallon of water a day, potassium pills, and faith are keeping him alive.

94.   A pump is working inside your body to keep you alive.

95.   A new round of televised hearings would keep alive the Whitewater controversy, which has served to embarrass the president.

96.   A victory keeps them alive, but only if either the New England Patriots or the Los Angeles Raiders lose Sunday.

97.   A woman being kept alive through court order so that her unborn child could survive died Tuesday after a judge said her family could remove life support.

98.   Abu Mezer said he continued living in Toronto, though he kept alive the hope of getting to the United States.

99.   Additionally, a nurse at the hospital called detectives and reported that Trenton wanted the breathing tube that kept him alive removed.

100.   Advances in technology are likely to intensify the political debate further as fetal deformities are discovered sooner and as fetuses are kept alive at ever earlier stages.

v. + alive >>共 24
keep 61.88%
find 22.23%
see 8.97%
pull 2.04%
leave 1.68%
believe 0.58%
make 0.36%
cut 0.29%
report 0.29%
want 0.29%
keep + a. >>共 756
alive 10.07%
secret 7.59%
low 5.13%
open 4.09%
warm 3.76%
busy 3.37%
confidential 2.18%
happy 2.08%
afloat 2.04%
simple 1.97%
每页显示:    共 844