91.   So the judge issued an arrest warrant.

92.   That position gained support in early January, when a Florida circuit court judge, Rosa Rodriguez, issued an order in favor of the Miami relatives.

93.   The American Civil Liberties Union said Wednesday that it wants a federal judge to issue an injunction blocking the practices and to order the departments to retrain officers.

94.   The amendment would streamline the process by allowing a federal judge to issue an order.

95.   The judge also issued several other prohibitions, all ultimately contributing significantly to the low-key nature of the civil trial.

96.   The judge did not issue a ruling.

97.   The judge also issued a gag order in the case.

98.   The judge also issued a no-abuse order to Marshall.

99.   The judge also issued a protective order stating that the records were not to be disseminated publicly.

100.   The judge had issued a statement praising the negotiating parties but had pointedly failed to mention the states.

n. + issue >>共 749
government 10.18%
company 6.29%
court 5.04%
judge 4.55%
authority 4.28%
official 3.86%
police 3.71%
agency 2.81%
group 2.27%
leader 1.81%
judge + v. >>共 595
say 9.56%
rule 7.92%
order 6.05%
be 4.88%
have 3.09%
decide 2.20%
dismiss 1.88%
reject 1.69%
find 1.69%
agree 1.65%
issue 1.62%
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