91.   The new groups are equally dangerous, seem to enjoy backing from some Middle Eastern Islamic states but are much harder to identify and track.

92.   The party, the liberals say, has been clever in not overly emphasizing its goal of creating an Islamic state.

93.   The Taliban has already begun its propaganda campaign directed at the United States and Islamic states.

94.   The tone of his message was not lost on Washington, which feared a greater anti-U.S. reaction from Islamic states.

95.   The United States and NATO wanted the Council to approve that resolution because it was sponsored by influential developing countries and Islamic states.

96.   Their proclaimed goal is an Islamic state in Uzbekistan next door.

97.   Their program is to Islamicize society, and to create an Islamic state.

98.   There is a lot of talk of fighting, of building a new Islamic state.

99.   They are also concerned that if Bosnia becomes a Muslim ghetto in the middle of Europe it will turn increasingly to hard-line Islamic states like Iran for support.

100.   There is a view that only an Islamic state can deliver us back our pride, our decency, our values, our identity and culture.

a. + state >>共 655
jewish 5.46%
palestinian 5.02%
southern 3.87%
arab 3.21%
independent 3.20%
home 2.70%
western 2.29%
islamic 2.19%
northern 2.15%
future 1.60%
islamic + n. >>共 391
militant 15.38%
group 11.30%
law 6.04%
state 3.47%
extremist 3.15%
fundamentalist 2.97%
country 2.19%
movement 2.13%
militia 1.99%
rule 1.68%
每页显示:    共 765