91.   That investigation must begin now, before crucial evidence disappears.

92.   The Air Force investigation of him began only after the airman, Rhonda Kutzer, left the service.

93.   The agency investigation began weeks ago.

94.   The Air Force investigation began after the airman, Rhonda Kutzer, left the service.

95.   The cases are unrelated and investigation of Faget began more than a year ago, the officials said.

96.   The FBI says its investigation began before Lee started filming in Alabama last August.

97.   The FBI has sent a team to help with the investigation, and the police emphasized that the investigation was only beginning.

98.   The government investigation began in February, prompted by a series of incidents, including a plane skidding of an icy Washington runway.

99.   The investigation began after Melwood applied for permission to bid for school contracts.

100.   The investigation began eight months ago.

n. + begin >>共 1326
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investigation + v. >>共 441
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