91.   Law enforcement officers from the tribe, the FBI, the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the county investigated the complaints, but no charges were filed.

92.   Kniest and Schriro have said the department investigated inmate complaints and conducted three examinations of the Brazoria County jail operation between November and July.

93.   Local branches of that church group in other Latin American countries have investigated complaints of human rights abuses and denounced social injustice.

94.   Last year the authorities investigated similar complaints of abuse at another of his Arizona camps, but brought no charges.

95.   Many insisted that companies submit to some independent regulatory association that could investigate complaints from consumers and enforce changes.

96.   McCann said he was also investigating complaints that students at Marquette University had voted multiple times.

97.   Lt. William Allison of the New Rochelle Police Department said that the department received an anonymous complaint, and that all complaints are investigated.

98.   MEB was once charged with investigating farmer complaints of underpayment and could enforce its decisions by stripping produce dealers of their licenses.

99.   Millea said the Villanueva family might sue the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration if there is proof federal inspectors failed to investigate safety complaints.

v. + complaint >>共 461
file 22.14%
receive 8.83%
have 6.65%
lodge 4.88%
investigate 4.68%
hear 3.37%
make 3.22%
follow 3.03%
take 2.33%
dismiss 1.92%
investigate + n. >>共 593
case 6.99%
allegation 6.81%
incident 6.30%
cause 4.60%
report 4.18%
complaint 2.67%
claim 2.42%
death 2.36%
accident 2.25%
charge 2.22%
每页显示:    共 327