91.   The officials also insisted that heavier fines be imposed if the industry did not meet targets for reducing youth smoking over the next decade, the representatives said.

92.   The legislation would make Oman the first Persian Gulf country to impose fines against tankers and ships caught polluting the waterway.

93.   The OPS imposed no fine after unaddressed corrosion problems caused a Koch Industries Inc. pipeline carrying butane to rupture in Lively, southeast of Dallas, killing two teenagers.

94.   The measure would condemn his conduct, require him to acknowledge that he had deceived the American people and impose a fine.

95.   The part-time town justice who imposed the fines, Wallace A. Sibley, said they were the biggest he had ever pronounced on first-time offenders.

96.   The SEC, which oversees the organization, has ruled out filing charges in court or imposing a fine against the NASD, said securities industry officials.

97.   The Senate bill imposes fines on companies that break the rules on repayment, and it requires some repayment plans to be approved by bankruptcy judges.

98.   The SEC could have imposed fines on Citron and Raabe, and barred them from the securities industry.

99.   The tribunal can impose fines or overturn national legal decisions, but it has no enforcement powers.

100.   The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission is expected to announce later today that it will not impose fines on three Japanese shipping companies.

v. + fine >>共 233
pay 29.72%
impose 10.71%
face 8.72%
levy 5.02%
appeal 3.08%
include 1.71%
reduce 1.71%
do 1.47%
seek 1.42%
collect 1.23%
impose + n. >>共 574
sanction 18.02%
restriction 6.67%
curfew 5.58%
ban 4.45%
penalty 3.65%
limit 3.18%
control 2.87%
tax 2.81%
fine 2.50%
rule 2.34%
每页显示:    共 225