91.   In this case, Peirce will try to show that history is repeating itself.

92.   Indeed, history may be repeating itself.

93.   Is history repeating itself?

94.   Industry leaders fear that history could repeat itself if the current slowdown in ad spending spirals into an actual decline.

95.   It is difficult to believe that history could repeat itself this weekend in Brookline, Mass., where the United States and Australia play their quarterfinal.

96.   Investors are concerned history will repeat itself and the scandal will snowball at a pivotal moment for an industry facing major changes.

97.   It was not long ago that Chrysler completed its last merger, and history may repeat itself.

98.   Just consider if history repeats itself and we get a special prosecutor motivated by the zealotry of a Kenneth Starr, only in Democratic clothing.

99.   Kentucky hopes that history repeats itself.

100.   Last month, history nearly repeated itself in another part of this vast country.

n. + repeat >>共 406
history 15.91%
official 5.39%
president 2.61%
pattern 2.44%
government 2.19%
leader 2.10%
cycle 1.94%
process 1.60%
company 1.43%
child 1.09%
history + v. >>共 487
be 31.56%
show 7.27%
repeat 5.02%
suggest 5.02%
have 3.16%
tell 1.96%
say 1.88%
teach 1.86%
judge 1.46%
prove 1.27%
每页显示:    共 188