91.   A drain on Gubberford Lane opposite Ashcroft regularly backs up when there is heavy rain.

92.   We had good weather apart from one day of heavy rain.

93.   Dimples like heavy rain spotted his wings as stray bullets went through, and then he reached the belt of anti-aircraft fire.

94.   His abuse beat in her face like rain so heavy that it forced shut her eyes.

95.   It typically leads to unusually dry weather in the western Pacific Tropics and heavy rains on the desert coasts of western America, but it can have wider effects.

96.   Unless there are heavy rains by the beginning of May, many boreholes may run dry by the end of the summer.

97.   Heavy July rains have reduced demand, but have not helped falling aquifer levels.

98.   Merlins, red kites and cirl buntings were all affected by heavy rain.

99.   Heavy rain and falling temperatures had been forecast, produced by a complex weather pattern moving from the north.

100.   The heavy rain -- an inch in less than four hours -- simply overwhelmed roadside drains.

a. + rain >>共 262
heavy 40.80%
torrential 8.55%
light 4.98%
freezing 3.26%
steady 2.28%
recent 2.26%
driving 1.95%
cold 1.33%
scattered 1.31%
overnight 1.23%
heavy + n. >>共 756
rain 16.39%
weapon 3.93%
snow 3.22%
artillery 2.96%
loss 2.05%
pressure 1.70%
equipment 1.67%
security 1.60%
casualty 1.45%
fire 1.41%
每页显示:    共 4287