91.   Rep. David Price, D-N.C., introduced both Clayton and Perkins in the hearing room.

92.   Rival aides on the Judiciary Committee argue bitterly in the hallways outside the hearing room, accusing each other of engaging in unsavory politics.

93.   Rumors spread throughout the hearing room that the public hearings would end after this week.

94.   She said she was not allowed inside the hearing room.

95.   Sitting elbow-to-elbow in a congressional hearing room, the two Texas-based rivals hashed out their differences before a rapt audience of lawmakers.

96.   She will be spreading sunshine in bookstores while in hearing rooms her former colleagues speak under oath about her legal activities.

97.   Spectators were frisked when entering the hearing room.

98.   Students read books and napped outside the hearing room.

99.   Teddy brought TV cameras to hearing rooms and issues that would have gone otherwise unremarked.

100.   That keeps dirty laundry out of the public eye, and restricts it to the confines of a private hearing room.

a. + room >>共 1271
small 4.32%
meeting 3.33%
same 3.33%
private 2.79%
next 2.32%
hearing 1.99%
large 1.96%
separate 1.76%
single 1.65%
training 1.64%
hearing + n. >>共 253
loss 16.57%
room 12.69%
date 8.43%
officer 6.69%
problem 3.50%
process 3.12%
test 2.13%
impairment 1.90%
evidence 1.90%
voice 1.67%
每页显示:    共 166