91.   The healthy economic growth that would quell the threat of deflation depends on robust investment in new technology and factories.

92.   The Prime Minister also mentioned the fact that the healthy growth in the industry did not happen without challenge.

93.   The report forecasts a healthy growth in world production of all meats next year as economic recovery boosts demand.

94.   The objective in the end is to have a stable financial system that can extend loans competitively for healthy economic growth.

95.   The right food in the right combination will not only ensure a healthy foetal growth but also strong healthy bones and teeth.

96.   The U.S. dollar surged against the Japanese yen to its highest point in four years in Monday morning trading, supported by healthy economic growth in the United States.

97.   This has brought India healthy economic growth, they said.

98.   This would affect the healthy growth and development of the young ones.

99.   They also hope the economy, mired in a slowdown since the second half of last year, will return to more healthy growth later this year.

100.   They are a key element of the marine eco-system which contributes to the healthy growth of coral reefs.

a. + growth >>共 465
economic 34.20%
strong 4.05%
rapid 3.29%
slower 2.72%
sales 2.38%
slow 2.31%
slowing 1.57%
continued 1.54%
steady 1.46%
future 1.33%
healthy 0.51%
healthy + n. >>共 1093
people 4.72%
economy 3.31%
scratch 3.28%
dose 2.04%
growth 2.04%
diet 2.01%
baby 1.62%
cell 1.53%
profit 1.41%
food 1.39%
每页显示:    共 115