91.   The Jets and Giants enjoy the late summer before time gives way to autumn and the harsh realities of winter.

92.   The harsh reality is that the interstates are becoming overwhelmed by the booming amount of travel they attract.

93.   The harsh reality is, however, that the only solution to the problem is getting supply more in balance with demand.

94.   The harsh reality has been quite the opposite.

95.   The harsh reality is that little investment has gone to wean the economy off sugar, which historically has provided four-fifths of export earnings.

96.   The harsh reality of a tight budget could topple the pay scale, although district and union officials both have expressed confidence that a deal will be reached.

97.   The logistics of this tournament create a harsh reality, since some players come an awful long way to play less than one round of golf.

98.   The most successful examples of privatization, both in the United States and abroad, have usually involved entities truly forced to face the harsh realities of the market.

99.   The shuttling of teams is a harsh reality, but it is reality, something the baseball owners of today would rather not admit.

100.   The Senate is facing up to a harsh reality as well.

a. + reality >>共 728
virtual 12.15%
political 8.35%
new 8.32%
economic 5.07%
harsh 4.49%
grim 1.72%
hard 1.60%
stark 1.27%
cold 1.18%
current 0.97%
harsh + n. >>共 607
word 8.36%
criticism 7.28%
winter 5.28%
condition 4.25%
reality 3.64%
weather 2.86%
punishment 2.59%
treatment 2.22%
rhetoric 2.10%
penalty 2.00%
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