91.   Chief among these will be disbanding the Haitian army, following the Costa Rican model so much praised by Aristide.

92.   The resolution calls for forging an international coalition to force the Haitian army from power.

93.   The statement was made after an emergency cabinet meeting and talks between Jonassaint and the head of the Haitian army, General Raoul Cedras.

94.   The United States hopes that with the irregulars stripped of their weapons the Haitian army and police will assume responsibility for public order.

95.   This psychological faceoff between Washington and the Haitian army reflects on the credibility of the Clinton administration, as US Secretary of State Warren Christopher acknowledged Sunday.

96.   Last October Haitian army chief Raoul Cedras reneged on the UN-brokered agreement to restore democracy and Aristide to power.

97.   President Jean-Bertrand Aristide called Friday for completely abolishing the Haitian army, leaving it up to lawmakers to make any move to eliminate the historically influential institution.

98.   Sources said that the Haitian army has been on a maximum state of alert since Friday.

99.   The amnesty is called for in the agreement US negotiators struck with the Haitian army brass Sunday.

100.   The Dominican Republic said Thursday that it would not give asylum to Haitian army chief General Raoul Cedras or a top aide Brigadier General Philippe Biamby.

a. + army >>共 410
israeli 23.37%
yugoslav 6.08%
bosnian 5.93%
former 3.82%
croatian 3.28%
russian 2.63%
lebanese 2.25%
indian 2.24%
general 1.55%
british 1.55%
haitian 0.50%
haitian + n. >>共 419
government 7.28%
police 7.07%
refugee 4.97%
army 4.38%
immigrant 4.25%
leader 4.00%
official 3.66%
military 3.54%
capital 2.48%
soldier 2.23%
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