91.   Unknown gunmen opened fire Monday on an Israeli soldier guarding the entrance to an army base near Bethlehem in the West Bank, military officials said.

92.   They guard the entrance to the Bab al-Mandad straits and access to vital shipping lanes.

93.   UN tanks were deployed around the hotel housing a large proportion of peacekeepers deployed in the sector, while soldiers patrolled around the building and guarded its entrances.

94.   When the Iraqi authorities refused them entry, the inspectors surrounded the ministry building overnight, guarding entrances in an attempt to stop sensitive documents from being smuggled out.

95.   Israeli military sources said the attack took place in front of a heavily fortified military checkpoint that guards the entrance into the Jewish settlement area.

96.   Jabul Saraj is the key to northern Afghanistan as it guards the entrances to two major valley systems giving access to the north of the country.

97.   Lax security has long been a major issue at the courthouse, where the four main entrances are not guarded and there are no metal detectors.

98.   Police were guarding the entrance to the ward and were letting in only people who had appointments with Djohar.

99.   Russian soldiers guarding the entrance to Gudermes refused to let journalists enter.

100.   Russian soldiers guarding the entrance to the town refused to let journalists enter.

v. + entrance >>共 204
block 18.58%
guard 10.78%
make 7.80%
gain 4.31%
mark 2.87%
have 2.57%
damage 2.16%
barricade 1.95%
use 1.64%
bar 1.33%
guard + n. >>共 664
entrance 4.35%
building 3.39%
border 3.31%
site 3.19%
privacy 2.73%
area 2.61%
house 1.45%
door 1.41%
prisoner 1.41%
gate 1.24%
每页显示:    共 104