91.   And Ross had found a kindred spirit in sneakers, someone who could ripen into a basketball force once his coordination caught up with his rapid growth rate.

92.   And that makes it harder for Nasdaq, the second-largest stock market in the U.S., to maintain its spectacular growth rate of the past decade.

93.   And the mathematics of compounding requires a company to post ever-larger dollar increases in sales just to keep its growth rate flat.

94.   And those growth rates are being maintained despite rising interest rates.

95.   And, the growth rate of U.S. exports is now higher than that of its imports, he said.

96.   And while there may be high growth rates in Europe for two or three years, that market could quickly become stagnant too as it matures, Middleswart said.

97.   And their growth rates often look explosive because that growth is coming on a small base.

98.   And yet, many of the recent economic figures point to a growth rate in the United States that is much hotter than Greenspan would prefer.

99.   And yet, in most ways Bangladesh now is decidedly in less of a mess, with the poverty rate drifting down and economic growth rates inching up.

100.   Any stock that was trading at an excessive multiple over current earnings or over its projected growth rate was dismissed.

n. + rate >>共 614
growth 6.29%
unemployment 6.02%
inflation 5.98%
tax 5.40%
crime 5.32%
mortality 2.05%
fund 1.89%
market 1.74%
success 1.51%
saving 1.39%
growth + n. >>共 405
rate 23.78%
prospect 5.43%
potential 5.14%
stock 4.85%
area 3.72%
industry 3.39%
figure 3.36%
forecast 3.07%
spurt 2.59%
opportunity 2.31%
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