91.   Netanyahu has said he is aware of the group meetings, but that Eitan and the others do not speak for Likud or the government.

92.   Mr Lau represented Hong Kong yesterday at an international working group meeting on data protection in telecommunication.

93.   Such informal group meetings are held alternately in India and Pakistan.

94.   Syria and Lebanon chose not to participate at working group meetings until territorial issues are resolved at the peace talks.

95.   The club activities are largely conducted over the Internet and selected group meetings will be held from time to time at selected venues in the country.

96.   The campaign could be started at the OIC contact group meeting currently underway in Geneva, Mahathir said.

97.   The ministers continue two more days of bilateral and smaller group meetings.

98.   The liaison group meeting, which was the first since the handover, was in Beijing on Tuesday and Wednesday.

99.   The three-day forum opened formally Monday for a series of closed group meetings, lunches and bilateral sessions.

100.   The Rio Protocol group meeting began Tuesday, continued into the early morning hours and resumed Wednesday.

n. + meeting >>共 825
summit 12.07%
board 8.31%
two-day 4.58%
team 4.56%
policy 3.65%
weekend 2.70%
week 2.25%
morning 2.04%
business 2.02%
staff 1.92%
group 1.30%
group + n. >>共 1107
member 6.83%
home 4.07%
leader 4.05%
match 3.36%
winner 3.18%
meeting 2.28%
game 2.01%
director 1.70%
plan 1.55%
play 1.46%
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