91.   Some lawmakers say the government should let Lin stay on humanitarian grounds, and students from her school plan a petition campaign.

92.   Technically, Fannie Mae is not backed by the government, though Lenhart says it is generally felt by experts that the government would not let Fannie Mae default.

93.   The captain of the Nigerian soccer team has pleaded with the military government to let his players defend their title in the African Cup of Nations.

94.   The conflict between Seoul and Hyundai has led to criticism that the government is letting political grudges damage the national economy.

95.   The government should let human rights organizations to publish and distribute all their findings inside North Korea, the resolution said.

96.   The government let two ELN leaders -- Francisco Galan and Felipe Torres -- out of jail to participate in the peace talks.

97.   The government should let the bridge banks operate for a maximum of two years, a leading governing party politician said in a speech Tuesday.

98.   The government will let private telephone companies provide long distance services in India beginning next year.

99.   The four in late June called on the government to let foreign observers monitor municipal elections scheduled for October.

100.   The government eventually let the Zapatistas keep the land and compensated the owners.

n. + let >>共 1203
government 3.11%
program 2.46%
official 2.05%
software 1.87%
law 1.70%
company 1.65%
authority 1.65%
police 1.62%
system 1.44%
site 1.34%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
let 0.12%
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