91.   CS First Boston and Salomon Brothers Inc. did not say how much the South Korean government intends to raise or exactly when the issue will come to the market.

92.   Defense lawyers say they believe the government now intends to make its case without scientific proof of a specific poison.

93.   Does the government really intend to eliminate corruption?

94.   Earlier, incoming premier Victor Ciorbea said on national radio that his government intended to discuss resuming relations with the IMF and the World Bank as quickly as possible.

95.   Facing the worst economic crisis since the Second World War, the government strongly intends to export its way back to growth.

96.   Finance Minister Arben Malaj told parliament the government intends to place the four schemes under supervision of a board of foreign and Albanian economic experts.

97.   Foreign Secretary Robin Cook reiterated that the government does not intend to intervene.

98.   Goodridge said the Liberian government intended to complain through diplomatic channels about the use of flares by U.S. Marines around the embassy compound Sunday night.

99.   Government intends to destroy rebel military.

100.   Granic said the government intended to reintegrate peacefully the one-fourth of the country held by rebel Serbs.

n. + intend >>共 801
government 9.45%
company 8.37%
group 3.29%
administration 2.31%
official 1.82%
president 1.47%
party 1.09%
bank 0.98%
team 0.91%
authority 0.88%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
intend 0.27%
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