91.   Trying genocide suspects, repatriating refugees and rebuilding villages can help prevent chaos from erupting again, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said.

92.   Zuroff criticized African leaders who have granted a haven to several most-wanted genocide suspects.

93.   Another genocide suspect, Gerard Ntakirutimana, is to appear in court in the next few days for a preliminary hearing.

94.   Before his meetings in Rome, Prosper visited Nairobi, where he relaunched a rewards scheme focused on another Rwandan genocide suspect, Felicien Kabuga.

95.   Bizimungu told the United Nations that the genocide suspects were not treated in some capitals as ordinary, innocent refugees, but as heroes deserving to lead people.

96.   But it remained unclear whether he would cooperate with the international court set up to try genocide suspects.

97.   Trials of the first Rwandan genocide suspects will begin in early July, prosecutor Richard Goldstone said here Tuesday.

98.   It was unclear whether that meant he would cooperate with the international tribunal set up to try genocide suspects.

99.   Karamira, the first genocide suspect to be extradited to Rwanda by a foreign country, was escorted to Kigali by two Ethiopian soldiers.

100.   Kenyan police said Tuesday they had detained a man who resembles Rwandan genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga but were still looking for more evidence before they could confirm his identity.

n. + suspect >>共 270
terror 11.13%
murder 9.43%
genocide 7.59%
terrorism 6.74%
police 5.18%
drug 4.26%
robbery 3.62%
crime 2.91%
war-crimes 2.62%
official 2.20%
genocide + n. >>共 51
charge 26.83%
suspect 20.08%
trial 14.26%
survivor 6.38%
tribunal 4.50%
case 3.00%
law 2.44%
conviction 2.06%
court 1.88%
victim 1.69%
每页显示:    共 106