91.   Two leading Serb political officials awaiting trial on genocide charges, Biljana Plavsic and Momcilo Krajisnik, could provide incriminating evidence against Milosevic.

92.   Thursday, those horror stories led to genocide charges against Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his military chief Gen. Ratko Mladic.

93.   Two other suspects transferred together with Bagosora pleaded not guilty to genocide charges on Wednesday.

94.   Three men have been convicted and five men sentenced, two of whom had plead guilty to genocide charges.

95.   Three people have been convicted and five sentenced, two of whom had plead guilty to genocide charges.

96.   Tribunal chief prosecutor Carla Del Ponte said Milosevic will face a genocide charge for Bosnia, the most serious war crime in the statute book.

97.   Two indicted on genocide charges.

98.   Two leading Serb political officials awaiting trial on genocide charges, Bijlana Plavsic and Momcilo Krajisnik, could provide incriminating evidence against Milosevic.

99.   Two leading Serb political officials awaiting trial on genocide charges, Biljana Plavsic and Momcilo Krajisnik, could provide evidence against Milosevic.

100.   Uwimabari is afraid that as a defeated soldier he will be killed or thrown into prison to face genocide charges.

n. + charge >>共 510
murder 10.98%
corruption 7.28%
drug 5.51%
fraud 4.39%
misdemeanor 3.59%
felony 3.19%
assault 2.69%
weapon 2.15%
bribery 1.99%
conspiracy 1.89%
genocide 1.07%
genocide + n. >>共 51
charge 26.83%
suspect 20.08%
trial 14.26%
survivor 6.38%
tribunal 4.50%
case 3.00%
law 2.44%
conviction 2.06%
court 1.88%
victim 1.69%
每页显示:    共 142