91.   A WTO panel is studying whether the EU has fulfilled its obligations with the new rules, but this is unlikely to report before mid-April.

92.   A Railtrack Group spokeswoman said Marconi refused to fulfill its obligations and buy back the shares.

93.   After the Soviet collapse, the nations of Belarus, Kazakstan and Ukraine inherited some of the Soviet arsenal, and fulfilled Soviet obligations on the treaty alongside Russia.

94.   Although Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Whitman asked that Wood be sent to prison, Wood asked for another chance to fulfill his obligations.

95.   And most have demanded that Iraq fulfill its obligations under U.N. resolutions before the sanctions are lifted.

96.   Arafat, however, says he wants to see Israel fulfill earlier obligations before moving on.

97.   Ashrawi said that if Washington wanted to restore its standing it would now have to pressure Israel to fulfill its obligations in the Israeli-Palestinian peace accords.

98.   Bosnian Prime Minister Hassan Muratovic said the Muslim-Croat federation has fulfilled its obligations under the Dayton peace accord, while the Bosnian Serbs were being obstructionists.

99.   Belarus is fulfilling its obligations to get rid of its weapons stockpiles even though it is losing potential income in the process, a Belarusian official said Friday.

100.   Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, head of the Defense Ministry department for international cooperation, told reporters Saturday that Russia would continue to fulfill its obligations to Syria.

v. + obligation >>共 216
have 33.74%
meet 18.77%
fulfill 12.21%
impose 1.47%
honor 1.35%
fulfil 1.23%
feel 1.10%
pay 0.98%
cite 0.98%
cover 0.92%
fulfill + n. >>共 189
promise 15.29%
obligation 8.90%
dream 6.71%
pledge 5.14%
commitment 5.10%
requirement 3.62%
condition 2.77%
duty 2.68%
contract 2.37%
wish 2.24%
每页显示:    共 198