91.   Peres spoke more warmly of his former enemy, Yasser Arafat, saying the Palestinian leader had evolved into a reliable peace partner.

92.   Peacekeeping troops finished work Monday on a bridge linking Croatia and Serb-held northern Bosnia, but mistrust kept former enemies from crossing the span.

93.   Peace talks between the former bitter enemies have sputtered for nearly four years.

94.   Perhaps as a result of growing up between former enemies France and Germany, Santer is above all a conciliator.

95.   Poland will next year join the Czech Republic and Hungary as the first three former Soviet bloc countries to join NATO, their former enemy.

96.   A former prisoner of war, Peterson became the first U.S. ambassador posted to communist Vietnam, establishing full diplomatic relations between the former enemies.

97.   A new coalition agreement was forged with his former enemies, making Hun Sen sole prime minister and Ranariddh president of the National Assembly.

98.   A former Vietnam War prisoner, the Arizona Republican has said it was time for the two former enemies to normalize relations.

99.   A spokesman for Izetbegovic predicted that the talks could result in the opening of some diplomatic offices as a prelude to full-blown relations between the former enemies.

100.   A senior U.S. Commerce Department official is in Vietnam to continue talks aimed at concluding a trade pact between the former enemies, a U.S. Embassy official said Wednesday.

a. + enemy >>共 497
former 11.37%
political 8.81%
worst 6.11%
bitter 4.91%
old 4.60%
common 3.76%
sworn 3.09%
natural 2.49%
new 1.83%
potential 1.72%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
enemy 0.40%
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