91.   They came here from the Middle East, from the former Soviet bloc, from Africa, from Latin America.

92.   They uncovered a lack of control over small-arms stockpiles in the former Soviet bloc and the brazenness of arms traffickers who control the business.

93.   This is the leader of the Free World, who has just signed a historic agreement extending NATO security guarantees to former Communist bloc countries.

94.   Throughout the former East bloc, women today complain of job discrimination.

95.   To understand why people embrace conspiracy theories, it pays to visit the former Soviet bloc.

96.   To address the problem, the EU funds public-awareness campaigns in former Soviet bloc countries and elsewhere.

97.   To encourage continued political support, President Bush spoke by satellite television to an anti-terrorism conference of former Soviet bloc countries in Europe.

98.   U.S. sales have grown most in Asia and the former Soviet bloc as state monopolies in those regions have been relaxed.

99.   Unfortunately, she said, American policies on the former Communist bloc countries too often placed a priority on opening markets to benefit U.S. businesses.

100.   Unlike every other capital in the former Soviet bloc, Kiev has failed to succumb.

a. + bloc >>共 281
soviet 22.71%
former 20.26%
voting 5.59%
eastern 3.62%
trading 3.47%
regional 2.78%
communist 2.67%
largest 1.94%
economic 1.68%
large 1.68%
former + n. >>共 731
president 5.40%
republic 4.08%
colony 2.07%
coach 2.03%
minister 1.68%
leader 1.67%
player 1.49%
member 1.32%
employee 1.30%
government 1.28%
bloc 0.69%
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