91.   The French approach, to try to force through the convoy to Trnovo, contrasted with the strategy of U.S. and other NATO peace force soldiers over the weekend.

92.   The opposition hopes it will then be able to block it, or force through crucial amendments.

93.   They say that is clear from a series of controversial laws that his ruling coalition recently forced through Congress over a virtually powerless minority.

94.   They began when police blocked a Protestant parade outside a hostile Catholic district, then forced it through.

95.   Vietnamese workers and American experts are searching for his remains in the thick clay, forcing it through a mesh sieve.

96.   Worse still, she pointed out, some companies were using the economic crisis to force through wage cuts among their employees and to justify withholding allowances.

97.   France in particular faces huge difficulties in forcing through the cuts required to get its budget deficit down.

98.   Furious unions in South Korea announced nationwide strikes in key industries Thursday after the government forced through a controversial labor law.

99.   If the bill is rejected by the emir, MPs must gather a two-thirds majority to force it through.

100.   Also forced through was the national security law, giving increased powers to the security police.

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cut 2.67%
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suffer 1.38%
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force + p. >>共 61
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