91.   Higher fixed income yields often attract cash away from equities as investors look for better yields in bonds.

92.   Higher rates make fixed income securities more attractive than stocks to many investors and can hurt company earnings.

93.   Higher rates often hurt shares by luring investors into fixed income securities and away from stocks.

94.   However, investors are finding those dividends less attractive in comparison with rising yields from safer fixed income investments like bonds.

95.   I grew up in a household of eight, with a fixed income.

96.   If investors can gain higher yields on U.S.-dollar-denominated fixed income securities, it will decrease demand for both Canadian equities and the Canadian currency.

97.   In March, Commerzbank bought Montgomery Asset Management LP, a San Francisco-based firm focusing on U.S. equities and fixed income as well as emerging markets.

98.   In most of the new democracies, regulations prescribe early retirement for women, locking them into fixed incomes far removed from the free market.

99.   In the fixed income sales division, Hugh Bowden, Suzy Scott and Rob Gulden were fired, said bankers familiar with the situation.

100.   In the long run, said Graham Allen, managing director for global fixed income at Wells Capital Management, interest rates should move lower.

a. + income >>共 633
fixed 5.26%
net 5.01%
disposable 4.33%
personal 3.81%
higher 3.75%
low 3.48%
family 3.25%
lower 3.03%
taxable 2.71%
household 2.33%
fixed + n. >>共 453
income 10.96%
rate 9.09%
cost 5.69%
price 4.89%
amount 4.44%
asset 3.30%
payment 2.57%
line 2.36%
number 1.98%
fee 1.77%
每页显示:    共 314