91.   One of the problems for brokerage firms, operating in a highly cyclical business, is whether to take on the high fixed costs of computer installations.

92.   Processors need high volume to offset the expensive computer systems, labor and other fixed costs, analysts said.

93.   Profit margins in the home-loan business are razor thin and lenders must handle large volumes to cover their fixed costs.

94.   School officials say that because of certain fixed costs, they cannot reduce expenses in proportion to the income lost when students drop out.

95.   She added that Lithia is relatively well-insulated from a possible downturn of the economy, because its fixed costs are low and its margins are high.

96.   Simbeck says the high fixed costs of many development projects and the relatively low output of the Capstone turbine makes its use uneconomical.

97.   Since enormous fixed costs are at the heart of designing new airplanes, good cash flow is a tremendous advantage.

98.   Some nuclear plants that have enormous fixed costs may go the way of Maine Yankee and die a natural death because they cannot compete in the new market.

99.   Some schools include fixed costs like capital investment and salaries in the tuition.

100.   Steelmakers who struggle with high fixed costs and highly cyclical markets in their traditional automotive, appliance and construction applications, see a much needed stable outlet.

a. + cost >>共 604
borrowing 9.97%
high 7.43%
higher 6.19%
lower 5.73%
rising 3.26%
operating 3.21%
medical 2.25%
cutting 1.96%
health_care 1.84%
extra 1.84%
fixed 0.87%
fixed + n. >>共 453
income 10.96%
rate 9.09%
cost 5.69%
price 4.89%
amount 4.44%
asset 3.30%
payment 2.57%
line 2.36%
number 1.98%
fee 1.77%
每页显示:    共 163