91.   Still, most traders say signs of fiscal discipline in Washington would, long-term, make all U.S. assets more attractive and help the dollar.

92.   Such transitions are almost always subject to hiccups, but the payoffs of remaining faithful to market openness and fiscal discipline are well documented, they argue.

93.   Supporters said the bill ensures fiscal discipline while freeing up money for tax relief.

94.   Still more help for the market came from Washington, where support for fiscal discipline cut the budget deficit sharply over the past four years.

95.   Strong growth, low unemployment and greater fiscal discipline have helped eliminate the old deficits.

96.   That sounds like fiscal discipline is working.

97.   That would be a way to demonstrate to voters that the GOP is still a party of fiscal discipline.

98.   The benefit is being the party that saves Medicare and restores fiscal discipline.

99.   The attraction of fiscal discipline and balanced budgets has been used successfully by the Democrats to blunt Republican efforts to enact big tax cuts.

100.   The debate amounted to an odd role reversal for the parties, with Republicans defending increased spending and Democrats calling for fiscal discipline.

a. + discipline >>共 480
fiscal 11.74%
party 4.74%
military 3.97%
strict 3.91%
financial 3.74%
academic 2.14%
new 2.14%
the 1.72%
same 1.42%
different 1.42%
fiscal + n. >>共 600
policy 10.17%
deficit 5.49%
discipline 5.15%
conservative 4.06%
responsibility 3.25%
reform 3.04%
crisis 2.99%
stimulus 2.34%
austerity 2.11%
third-quarter 2.08%
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