91.   But now they can lay off workers under certain conditions, including acute financial difficulties or under a merger with other companies.

92.   But it was acquired by another company, itemus Inc., which encountered financial difficulties and could not continue the sponsorship.

93.   But judging from the events of this week, the ripple effect of its financial difficulties has continued.

94.   But McSpaden experienced financial difficulties.

95.   But the orchestra also has a history of financial difficulties, a decline in subscribers and a high staff turnover that have made charting a consistent course difficult.

96.   But the widows also talked of the financial difficulties of raising fatherless children.

97.   By contrast, the airline industry has been in considerably greater financial difficulty.

98.   Cash-flow problems and other financial difficulties forced the company to shut down several manufacturing plants.

99.   Cawley argues that all of the losses in the industry are from a relative handful of people who run into financial difficulty.

100.   Conseco, Crittenden said, also works closely with borrowers who face financial difficulty, including regularly granting loan extensions and sometimes even accepting reduced monthly payments.

a. + difficulty >>共 445
financial 14.25%
economic 7.33%
great 5.88%
technical 3.78%
breathing 2.77%
serious 2.60%
learning 2.10%
severe 2.02%
political 1.85%
major 1.79%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
difficulty 0.98%
每页显示:    共 506