91.   How restored social programs will be financed.

92.   In the letter Fischer said that under normal circumstances the IMF and other multilateral agencies should be able to finance adjustment programs for countries that encounter economic problems.

93.   It said the Volunteers of America also will award a prize to U.S. companies that finance the program.

94.   It will finance programs designed to increase the flow of bank loans to businesses.

95.   It was unclear, however, how the ambitious program would be financed and when it would be put into effect.

96.   So far, the only two spending bills signed into law are measures financing defense programs.

97.   Some lawmakers in Trenton saw in sports betting a chance to close a deficit in the casino revenue fund, which financed programs for the elderly and disabled.

98.   The aid is designed to strengthen political parties, finance programs for civic education and provide administrative training for mayors.

99.   The budget is a guide Congress will use as it writes bills that actually will finance programs and cut taxes.

100.   The credit program is financed jointly by the Japanese government and the Asian Development Bank, the Japanese Embassy said.

v. + program >>共 784
have 2.94%
run 2.91%
use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
create 1.84%
start 1.71%
offer 1.54%
support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
finance 0.87%
finance + n. >>共 820
project 8.30%
purchase 4.25%
campaign 3.05%
operation 2.92%
acquisition 2.40%
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program 2.18%
activity 2.05%
minister 1.78%
每页显示:    共 117