91.   The company makes equipment for connecting computers in field offices to those back at headquarters.

92.   The danger, according to Kolesnik and Maples, is creating a struggle for authority between the field offices and headquarters.

93.   The director of the field office also told Hoover that this case differed from previous civil rights cases tried in Alabama courts.

94.   The director of the field office also assured Hoover that this case differed from previous civil rights cases tried in Alabama courts.

95.   The company makes products for connecting computers in field offices to those back at headquarters.

96.   The FBI discovered the missing records when it asked all field offices early this year to transfer records to a central location in Oklahoma City.

97.   The FBI opened its first field office in Russia this week, but this is considered largely a symbolic presence.

98.   The FBI field office in Tampa had no immediate comment.

99.   The FBI sent four special agents in charge of field offices in New Orleans, Houston, Phoenix and Dallas to manage the investigative operation.

100.   The field office in Kansas City had one of the largest roles in the investigation because the bomb was made in central Kansas.

n. + office >>共 479
government 16.02%
liaison 4.05%
press 3.74%
head 3.11%
branch 2.88%
league 2.00%
law 1.87%
field 1.80%
district 1.78%
trade 1.73%
field + n. >>共 531
commander 13.27%
office 6.53%
position 5.78%
test 4.68%
work 3.48%
worker 2.59%
operation 1.95%
advantage 1.70%
guide 1.67%
study 1.42%
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