91.   Greenbaum and other brokers are feeling the pinch of the new rules.

92.   High-end car dealerships are already feeling the pinch.

93.   His company makes the machinery that companies use to make their products, so his clients are the manufacturers that felt the pinch first.

94.   Home-oriented retailers are also feeling the pinch.

95.   High profile murders of several foreign tourists sparked an avalanche of page-one stories in Europe, and tourism promoters felt the pinch.

96.   Hospitals everywhere will feel the pinch if the cuts go through.

97.   Hotels are feeling the pinch from the fall in visitors.

98.   Hotels in Singapore have begun to feel the pinch.

99.   If it saves enough to close the gap between current projections and the reduced spending levels, no one feels the pinch.

100.   If they take the steam out of the property market rally, most Hong Kong companies will feel the pinch.

v. + pinch >>共 36
feel 75.64%
add 11.54%
hit 1.54%
take 1.03%
grab 0.51%
cause 0.51%
face 0.51%
ease 0.51%
place 0.51%
put 0.51%
feel + n. >>共 1382
pain 7.58%
pressure 5.64%
effect 3.98%
pinch 3.25%
quake 3.09%
heat 2.33%
impact 2.24%
sense 2.20%
way 1.70%
need 1.69%
每页显示:    共 293