91.   Athens newspapers and members of opposition parties for more than a week speculated that Papandreou was in failing health.

92.   Bassett, chairman of Baton Broadcasting Inc., had been in failing health for some time.

93.   Because of his failing health, a fine is considered the most likely penalty for conviction.

94.   Black, in failing health for months, died at the Life Care Center of Scottsdale.

95.   But Daly also labored under failing health and the mounting weight of sexual scandals within his church.

96.   But many critics are skeptical of Kremlin health reports, given the Soviet precedent of hiding the failing health of elderly leaders.

97.   But many critics dismiss Kremlin health reports, given the Soviet precedent of hiding the failing health of elderly leaders.

98.   Cooke, who had been in failing health, died at his home.

99.   Despite rumors of failing health, Mugabe last year easily won election to another five-year term and also married a woman about half his age.

100.   Despite his failing health, Alvarez Bravo pressed his hands together in a sign of affection as the crowd applauded him.

a. + health >>共 593
good 11.66%
mental 11.36%
poor 5.02%
state 3.65%
serious 2.71%
federal 2.60%
local 2.16%
human 2.06%
financial 1.99%
home 1.54%
failing 1.44%
failing + n. >>共 170
health 22.35%
school 13.46%
grade 8.24%
company 4.71%
heart 3.27%
student 3.01%
eyesight 2.22%
economy 2.09%
business 1.83%
bank 1.70%
每页显示:    共 170