91.   Ivanisevic echoed the comments of Kafelnikov.

92.   Mahachi said the troops would remain until there was permanent peace and stability in Congo, echoing similar comments by Namibian President Sam Nujoma earlier Wednesday.

93.   Others echoed her comment.

94.   Shas activist Hananiya Tzefar echoed similar comments by Shas activists who said they viewed the conviction as a ruling against the whole party, not just Deri.

95.   That echoed comments he made in court during the second week of his trial.

96.   That echoes comments made this year by other top Olympic officials from the United States.

97.   The Age newspaper in Melbourne, echoing the comments of some media around Australia, disagreed, asking whether Fitzgerald made the correct decision.

98.   The comments were echoed by several other lawmakers.

99.   The government and church statements echoed earlier comments by Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov and other Russian leaders, who sharply opposed any NATO attacks.

100.   The profanity-laced tirade echoed similar comments at San Antonio concert a day earlier.

v. + comment >>共 281
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echo + n. >>共 398
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