91.   He said other proposals included setting up marine centres near the strategic Strait of Hormuz for ships to wash their tanks and dump waste.

92.   By dumping oil waste directly into the ocean, ship officers avoided paying for costly maintenance of the oil-separation devices, the indictment said.

93.   Continued French nuclear testing and a Japanese plan to dump nuclear waste in the north Pacific kept the idea circulating.

94.   The results were announced just days before Greenpeace was to give its own analysis of samples taken from regions where it says toxic waste was dumped.

95.   The targeted businesses include industries that dump waste into the Nile, unlicenced docks and nurseries.

96.   World Aretus captain George Tsatsoulid denied that his ship had been dumping oil waste, saying his vessel had chanced upon the oil.

97.   Using the principle that the polluter must pay, the accord bans boats from dumping any waste into the Rhine.

98.   With Occidental insisting that the army had also dumped toxic wastes in the area, the government agreed to assume eight million dollars of the cleanup costs.

99.   It also said other organisations may have used the area to dump toxic waste.

100.   Law said the Department of Environment was also taking two more ship owners to court for dumping oil waste in local waters.

v. + waste >>共 262
dump 7.27%
store 4.91%
lay 4.71%
reduce 4.01%
carry 3.81%
ship 3.32%
transport 2.91%
handle 2.49%
remove 2.15%
send 2.08%
dump + n. >>共 645
body 10.24%
rain 4.67%
share 4.35%
waste 4.26%
stock 3.90%
water 2.19%
fuel 1.91%
puck 1.42%
snow 1.22%
ball 1.18%
每页显示:    共 104