91.   Swiss authorities said the arrests of the Castanons were linked to an investigation into laundering proceeds from drug trafficking.

92.   Teehankee noted the increasing number of Chinese nationals linked to crimes in the Philippines, particularly drug trafficking, and Filipinos facing charges in China.

93.   That punishment is reserved for those convicted of violent crimes, drug trafficking and vandalism, such as American teen-ager Michael Fay, who was caned last year.

94.   The countries already have signed economic cooperation agreements with Sri Lanka which allow them to investigate money laundering, drug trafficking and terrorism together.

95.   The FBI is opening an office in Ukraine to help fight organized crime, drug trafficking and international terrorism, the U.S. Embassy in Kiev announced Thursday.

96.   The four suspects have been charged with drug trafficking, for which they face a maximum penalty of death if convicted.

97.   The flight was being conducted under the joint U.S.-Peruvian program to fight drug trafficking, the air force said.

98.   The foreign ministers are to endorse increased cooperation to fight terrorism, drug trafficking and illegal immigration, and launch a cultural cooperation forum.

99.   The men were charged with drug trafficking, but Judge Ingrid Berrios ruled Sunday there was not enough evidence to support the charges and freed them.

100.   The judges are sorting out hundreds of money laundering, drug trafficking and arms dealing charges against Montesinos.

n. + traffic >>共 73
drug 55.76%
arm 6.69%
narcotic 3.35%
charge 1.12%
company 1.12%
datum 1.12%
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man 1.12%
weapon 1.12%
group 0.74%
drug + v. >>共 520
be 31.69%
have 4.61%
work 3.45%
traffic 2.96%
help 2.64%
cause 2.60%
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