91.   In this procedure, the surgeon uses a laser to drill small holes through the heart wall.

92.   In the center of this bulletproof cover he drilled a hole one-eighth inch in diameter.

93.   Installation is not especially difficult, but it is important to drill the holes precisely.

94.   Instead of entering by the hatch, navy investigators first drilled small holes in the side and inserted cameras to check for bombs.

95.   It can be reattached by drilling a hole in the bone and suturing the tendon.

96.   It is relatively easy to drill holes in ceramic tile.

97.   Just drill holes and fill them with salt.

98.   Later in the operating room, he remained awake while a tiny hole was drilled in his brain.

99.   Lulu drills holes in his milk buckets, she slashes the tires of his delivery van, she feeds him soup that he dislikes.

100.   Moreover, courts and regulators are slowly drilling holes in the walls that separate banks, brokerages, and insurers.

v. + hole >>共 376
have 7.66%
fill 6.32%
drill 5.59%
punch 5.40%
dig 5.26%
plug 3.16%
cut 3.03%
poke 2.92%
make 2.70%
find 2.70%
drill + n. >>共 188
hole 29.00%
well 14.00%
shot 4.81%
ball 3.82%
student 1.70%
double 1.56%
single 1.56%
rig 1.41%
company 1.13%
three 1.13%
每页显示:    共 204