91.   China insisted Thursday it had not set a precedent by allowing five North Koreans who prompted a diplomatic row between Tokyo and Beijing to leave for South Korea.

92.   Developments in diplomatic row over five North Koreans dragged from the Japanese consulate in Shenyang.

93.   Five North Korean refugees who caused a diplomatic row between China and Japan arrived in South Korea to an emotional welcome from family and supporters.

94.   The regional conference had sparked a diplomatic row between Manila and Jakarta, with the latter threatening retaliation if it takes place.

95.   The tumultuous campaign grabbed international headlines and sparked diplomatic rows that landed Mugabe with sanctions from the European Union and the United States.

96.   The tumultuous campaign grabbed international headlines and sparking diplomatic rows that landed Mugabe with sanctions from the European Union and the United States.

97.   The ship was sent to the eastern island of Imia, off the Turkish coast, amid a new diplomatic row between the two countries.

98.   The theft, and the implication of high-ranking police officials in the subsequent disappearance of the jewels, has caused a diplomatic row between Saudi Arabia and Thailand.

99.   The two neighbours recently normalized ties following a diplomatic row last year over the hanging of a Filipino maid here for a double murder.

100.   Tripoli, along with Malawi, has also been instrumental in trying to settle the diplomatic row between both countries.

a. + row >>共 456
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diplomatic + n. >>共 581
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